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Please view the galleries to see some of our current stock.
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Please also visit our shop as this is just a selection of what we have.
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Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing any items. Items marked with an * are not currently located in the shop due to space but please contact us if you would like to view these items.
Site last updated 5th May

Art Deco Combination Lampstand

Captains chair

Metamorphic Card Table

Reproduction Oak Court Cupboard

Shabby Chic Coffee Table £40
Glass Bricks 8" x 8" x 4"

Recliner Armchair

Oak bedside cupboard

Sale £20
4 bistro chairs *
Sale £20

Sale £40
Retro dressing table *

Bistro table (4 available)



2 Stag bedside cupboards

G Plan table

Painted Wardrobe

Oak Bureau

Pink Garden / Recliner Chair

Pair of Bird Baths

Folding chairs
£10 each
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